Margaux – Green Avantgarde

This is not one of these usual reviews about one specific menu in a restaurant – it’s praise for someone whose cooking emotionally moves me every time I dine there.

Someone who lets me participate in a revelatory and contemplative dining experience…

Someone who demonstrates that we leverage only a small percentage of the full spectrum of potential ingredients and flavors and that vegetables and herbs offer so much potential for enriching our cooking…

Someone who grows his own vegetables and treats them with utmost respect and immense knowledge…

Someone whose ideas and aroma combinations are singular…

Someone who is passionate about his cooking and takes no prisoners when it comes to product and execution quality…

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Margaux – One of A Kind

Most chefs at high-end restaurants are obsessed in a very positive way – either with execution, product quality, presentation or creativity. Michael Hoffmann of Margaux in Berlin is all of that but maybe to an even greater extent. In the last couple of years he built up an immense knowledge of herbs both known and forgotten and developed a touch for vegetables which overall results in a very unique cuisine. Unique not only with respect to Germany (only Kellermann is similar) but worldwide. Let’s go…



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